In just Eight Weeks, using my Heroes Journey Method, I will assist you in building and seamlessly integrating a lifestyle change. This transformation guarantees you’ll be able to take control of your health, regain your energy, all while still having the time and mental capacity to take care of the family.

And the best part is if you feel we haven’t fulfilled our promise we will give you a full refund and you can keep all the information!

5 Proven Solutions to Ensure a Restful Night’s Sleep

8 Five Minute Packed Lunches That Will Have You Full, Happy and Healthy.

Weekly calls, on demand accountability and form breakdown videos for every exercise.

Six in-depth educational modules teaching you everything you need to know about changing your lifestyle.

Personalised fitness programmes, meal plans and building healthier habits tailored to your individual schedule.

Jerry, 36



Have a listen to our feedback call (Listen on 2x speed)

“Before I got in touch with Louie I was stuck in a cycle of Work – Couch – Sleep. I felt I didn’t have the time or energy to do anything else. With Louie’s guidance,

I’ve developed habits which have me taking advantage of the time I do have, and actively enjoying exercising and improving my physical and mental well-being.”

Mario, 42

Data Organiser For A Construction Company


Have a listen to our feedback call (Listen on 2x speed)

“I had the pleasure of working with Louie for 8 weeks and lost a total of 10 lbs, after trying yo-yo diets throughout the years and never finding any success. Louie listened to my goals and helped me make small changes to my habits to get the results I wanted. He also helped me with my nutrition and never left me feeling deprived of my favourite foods. Louie sent me weekly workouts that were easy to follow and made sure to follow up with me in case I didn’t understand that week’s plan.

We had weekly check-ins which he would use to prepare next week’s workout plan. Louie went above and beyond to make sure I was motivated and kept me accountable for my workouts and progress. 

This, I believe, has laid the groundwork for me to continue my weight loss journey on my own.”

Dylan, 38

Youth Councillor


Have a listen to our feedback call (Listen on 2x speed)

I’ve struggled with my weight and my health for years, trying different diets and exercise programmes that would help in the short term, but became unsustainable due to cost or the time required that would take me away from spending time with my family.

Louie listened to me, helped me reframe my goals, to focus on building good habits and a positive mindset, while bringing exercise into my lifestyle and routine that works for me and at my level. I now feel better about myself than I have in ages, lost almost 10kg, but the biggest thing I know is that each piece of work I put into myself I am on my way to better health, one step at a time I have got this!

Knowing I will be able to run around and keep up with my kids as they grow up, that’s the best result I could have hoped for.